The Nightshade Chain

Hair: Pale butter yellow, thick and heavy to her shoulders.
Eyes: Lavender with gooseberry green flecks here and there, especially when she's angry.
Skin: Pale and thin. She blushes easily, turning an interesting scarlet.

Fah-enn (Fawn, if you want to profit through elison) is a pretty little thing, with her lovely yellow mane of lightly curling hair and large, apparently sparkling purplish eyes. She is slender, not terribly chesty, and around 115 lbs. of carefully honed and startlingly flexible muscle mass. Her usual
costume is a tied-on bikini top, and a pair of deceptively silky loose pants, often patched at the knees and tied at the ankles. She likes bare feet or sandals.

Personality: Slippery and wily, with good manners when she wants to have them. She enjoys being just a little nasty to her potential Owners, and has frightened off one or two more timid prospects. She doesn't enjoy being a slave, but understands that her life as one is better than what she might enjoy on the street. She enjoys drawing as a hobby, and is fairly good at it.

History: She was born in a whorehouse, and raised a little street ratlet. She fell into some trouble with the local law enforcement, but managed to talk/charm her way out of her problems until she crossed someone just a little too high up.Her free life was quickly cut short, and she was sent straight into training. She is just beginning her life as a Chain proper, and isn't quite used to it yet. Fah-enn still has some vague hope of escape, but is losing that quickly.

Room: As a new Chain, her room is not as palatial as some of the older ones. The carpeting is plush and light violet, the walls are painted golden yellow with green vines twining up them. Her furniture is simple and wooden, with cushions patterned much like the walls, but with the addition of nightshade flowers and berries. A large canopied bed rests in the left corner. Empty bookshelves
lie at rest, gathering dust, boxes, and clothes in equal quantities. A bath is accessible through a curtain, and it, too, is decorated in yellow, green, and purple. The most interesting piece of furniture is the black metallic gazing globe in the very centre of the room. Fah-enn certainly doesn't know why it's there, but it seems to be unbreakable (she's tried) and thus she doesn't mess with it (much).

Experience? Minimal, outside of training. She's not a virgin, but none of her experiences have been particularly memorable. Love has not been a big part of her life. On the matter of interest in boys vs. interest in girls, she has not yet taken a stand.

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