Nasturtium Chain


Name: Klaria
Race: Panther-Human Hybrid (Level Three)
Age: 27

Physical Appearance: As with all Panther-Human Hyrbids, Klaria has aspects of a Pantera (Pantherman). The Level Three Hybrids were closer to Pantera than earlier hybrid levels, so Klaria resembles both an attractive Pantera as well as an exotic human female. She has retained her flowing auburn locks, unheard of with normal Pantera. She wears her hair in a shoulder length pony-tail, allowing her pointed ears to hold the hair in position. She stands about five and a half feet high, and weighs about 120 pounds. She has a slim but curvaceous figure, which she often
unconsciously shows her to her advantage by frequently stretching. She has a velvety dark purple pelt running over her entire body, but retains the facial aspects of a striking human woman. She has light green eyes which heighten her alien features. She prefers to wear light and loose clothing, which can be essential in the abnormally high heat of the country's summer.

Personality: Klaria has a mainly apathetic view of the world and its inhabitants. She has been a slave nearly her entire life, and was captured by the Pantera when she only 15, but did not undergo the Hybridization process until she turned 23. She tends to also be indifferent about sex and love, and views both men and women as either masters or irrelevant. She has a hidden temper, however, which only arises when she witnesses or experiences events that remind her of her torture as a child.

Environment: Klaria lives in a palatial residence atop a mountain, but the only way out would be down the steep cliffs, an impossibility without proper tools or magical assistance.

Background: During a war between the Pantera and their enemies, slaves became a valued commodity and all Pantera-owned slaves were recalled to ownership by the government. After the war began, a consortium of nobles arranged to purchase a slave to serve them as a concubine. They conspired together because in addition to reimbursing the government, they also had to bribe several high-placed officials to prevent Klaria from being recalled. During the war, however, they were all killed, which left Klaria without a master. All but one of the nobles had all daughters, and
the one son had a wife who would kill her husband if she discovered any infidelity.

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